- Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit
- Governor's STEM Competition

Governor’s STEM Competition
All Commonwealth High Schools and Career Technical Academies are invited to participate in the annual PA Governor’s STEM Competition designed for students in grades 9-12.
The Governor's STEM Competition challenges student teams to research, design, and present a device or project that can make the quality of life better for Pennsylvanians by accomplishing a series of practical tasks that can fulfill real-world needs.
Teams are required to partner with their local communities to develop a solution to a real problem rooted in the community, creating an authentic experience for the students and providing opportunities for them to learn more about career pathways and employment opportunities based in STEM.
For information about this annual competition go to: PA Governor's STEM Competition
Option A: STEM Prototype with Digital Poster
- Each team receives a $600 stipend
- This option is for those who wish to have the opportunity to participate in-person at the State Finals on May 8th.
- STEM Prototype with Digital Poster Scoring Components:
- Written Proposal, Video Presentation, Digital Poster
- Project Submissions will, again, be in two divisions:
- Division 1: Those who competed in the state competition in the last 5 years.
- Division 2: Those who have not competed in the state competition in the last five years.
- Top 20 will advance to the State Finals at PaTTAN Harrisburg
Option B: Digital Poster
- This option is for the purpose of creating a Digital Poster to demonstrate the scientific and engineering process students engaged in while developing and designing their school’s STEM class, program, or club.
- This option is for those teams who do not wish to participate in person.
- School teams will submit these posters digitally – they will be printed by PaTTAN, displayed at finals, then mailed to the teams.
- NO formal judging will occur for poster submissions, however digital badges and Certificates of Participation will be provided to participating teams.
- Maximum of 5 students are permitted to work and submit a poster.
- Approved mentors are not permitted to contribute to the development or creation of the digital com[ponents for the team’s poster.
Logo Competition is also open to 9-12th grade students.
You can find the details regarding the logo competition in this Smore.