Afterschool grant will serve 500 more children in region

  • Funded by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, the federal 21st Century Community Learning Center grant is a critical source of funding for many local afterschool programs. With these grants, CSIU's STEAM3S and PATHFINDERS programs will have the opportunity to serve more than 500 children per year for the next five years!

    The CSIU administers the STEAM3S program for students who reside in the Milton, Mount Carmel, and Shamokin Area School Districts. The grant will aid the STEAM3S program in serving more than 250 children per year in the districts through 2024.

    The CSIU administers the PATHFINDERS program for students who reside in Benton, Central Columbia, Midd-West and Warrior Run School Districts. The grant will aid the PATHFINDERS program in serving more than 250 children per year in the districts through 2024.

    Both programs focus on science, technology, engineering, the arts and math (STEAM). Additionally, students are helped with homework, are provided a snack and light dinner, participation in a physical fitness activity and transportation home when the program concludes for the day.