Together We Rise header image
  • We are excited to announce the September CSIU: Together We Rise Nominees!

    As announced at 2021 Professional Leadership Day (PLD), the CSIU has implemented a new award program, "CSIU: Together We Rise!" The program recognizes colleagues for their commitment to: 

    • Rising through innovative work: A person who has demonstrated innovation in the workplace.
    • Rising through service to others and self-care: A person who modeled service or self-care or who helped a person or team with service or self-care.
    • Rising through equity: A person who embraced equity in the form of learning (self-growth), teaching (providing or organizing professional learning experiences for others), or practicing (ensuring equity for served populations).

    September brought in eight nominations for the awards! Please take a few moments out of your day to read about these valued members of the CSIU family and to congratulate them for making a difference by RISING through innovative work, service to others and self-care, and/or equity!

    Nominate a colleague for an October award by the 29th.

September Winners

  • Lisa Black, Tina Noll & Kathleen Diefenderfer


    Lisa Black, Tina Noll, & Kathleen Dieffenderfer
    Facilities Team

    Rising through Service to Others and Self-Care Award, Nominated by Shirley Bastian


    Why Lisa, Tina, and Kathleen were nominated: 

    During the months of July and August, due to an unexpected injury, I found myself with very limited mobility and also unable to drive myself to and from the office. These fabulous ladies supported me as I teleworked by distributing mail and packages to staff located in our programs "out in the field" for me and even offered to bring mail, materials, etc. to me at my home. They also offered to pick things up from me to deliver to the office. Their generosity and giving spirit were definitely above and beyond and I am so very appreciative of all they did for me and continue to do.

     Susan Hertzog


    Susan Hertzog
    Early Head Start
    Rising through Innovative Work Award

    Why Susan was nominated: 

    Sue is a dedicated employee. She has worked diligently even when we had to telework. Sue goes above and beyond for her families. She always has her work done early and on time. She cooperates and works well with staff.

     "She is an outstanding worker!" 

    Jess Harry


    Jess Harry
    Special Education: Work Foundations+
    Rising through Service to Others and Self-Care Award, Nominated by Terri Locke

    Why Jess was nominated: 

    Jess organized a Variety, The Children's Charity adaptive equipment presentation at Berwick Middle School. More than 20 families had the benefit of receiving a bike, stroller, and/or communication device. The impact for families receiving this donation for their child is exceptional. The service to districts receiving such devices has a positive impact for educational programming as well!

     Kathy Moyer

    Kathy Moyer
    Computer Services
    Rising through Equity Award

    Why Kathy was nominated: 

    Kathy consistently and enthusiastically seizes all professional growth opportunities when presented with a challenge. She maintains a calm, collected, and detailed approach when working through difficult situations, all while continuing to help others. What a valuable team member to have. 

    "Thank you Kathy!"

    Daniela Lauga-Rodriguez & Maria "Lupe" Feeser
    Migrant Education Program
    Rising through Service to Others and Self-Care Award, Nominated by Jonathan Sell

    Why Daniela and Maria were nominated: 

    Recently, our team was challenged with an influx of new students who enrolled in our program in August, and who needed to be served by the end of summer. In a very short timeframe, as a team, Daniela and Lupe planned, worked daily and consecutive weekends, and managed to deliver more than 50 in-home lessons, serving all of the new students. This was a remarkable achievement. 

    "Thank you Daniela and Lupe for your hard work and commitment to our students!"