Together We Rise header image
  • We are excited to announce the May CSIU: Together We Rise Nominees!

    As announced at 2021 Professional Leadership Day (PLD), the CSIU has implemented a new award program, "CSIU: Together We Rise!" The program recognizes colleagues for their commitment to: 

    • Rising through innovative work: A person who has demonstrated innovation in the workplace.
    • Rising through service to others and self-care: A person who modeled service or self-care or who helped a person or team with service or self-care.
    • Rising through equity: A person who embraced equity in the form of learning (self-growth), teaching (providing or organizing professional learning experiences for others), or practicing (ensuring equity for served populations).

    May brought in 14 nominations for the awards! Please take a few moments to read about these valued members of the CSIU family and to congratulate them for making a difference by RISING through innovative work, service to others and self-care, and/or equity!

    Nominate a colleague for a June award by the 30th.


May Winners


    Dawn Getgen

    Special Education
    Rising through Innovative Work Award; Nominated by Jess Harry and Jamie Wagner

    Why Dawn was nominated: 

    Flexible, kind, caring, creative, passionate, and patient are just a few words that describe Dawn. The last two years, she graciously came out of retirement to assist (understatement) in School-Age Special Education programs and has saved the day countless times. Because of Dawn, programs operated without interruption. She is a tremendous asset to both students and staff and is a valued colleague that exemplifies the qualities of a supervisor that cares deeply about the programs, students, teachers and paraeducators. Dawn is a whirlwind of kind energy. Thank you, Dawn! 


    Regina Salvador & 
    Kimberly Taylor-Carmo
    Not pictured is Kimberly Taylor-Carmo.

    Center for Schools and Communities
    Rising through Service to Others and Self-Care Award; Nominated by Michelle Kern

    Why Regina and Kimberly were nominated: 

    Kim's and Regina's help on the CPSEL conference was top-notch. Whenever a problem arose, they went above and beyond to deal with the issues and help participants fix it. The CPSEL Conference went so smoothly due to their help and level-mindedness.Amazing teamwork!


    Amanda Benfer

    Head Start Teacher
    Rising through Equity Award


    Why Amanda was nominated: 

    Amanda has shown so much creativity, friendliness, & support to everyone she works with. She provides a helping hand and care to others, often going above and beyond her job description. She makes you feel liked and valued! She has a passion for her job and the children, as well as her coworkers!She is doing a great job! Keep striving Amanda! 


    Corie Kline

    Building and Grounds Team
    Rising through Service to Others and Self-Care Award; Nominated by Dr. John Kurela

    Why Corie was nominated: 

    On every occasion, Corie goes above and beyond to ensure visitorsto the main building have a positive experience. Her efforts have been noticed by the Board and I am so grateful for the positive attitude she brings to work every single day. Recently, during the art reception, Corie assisted the Board President and her efforts made him feel valued and cared for, which is everything we can hope for in a true ambassador for the CSIU!


    Nichole Harer

    Cares Team: YES to the Future Career and Operations Coordinator
    Rising through Service to Others and Self-Care Award; Nominated by Julie Klinger

    Why Nichole was nominated: 

    Nichole is the first person to offer help and works endless hours to ensure the YES staff looks good. She travels endless miles to help co-workers and is not only the YES team’s cheerleader, she is the coach, statistician, and innovator. She makes sure everyone else’s needs are met before her own.  Nichole is a wonderful co-worker and an amazing human.  









    Dr. Bernadette Boerckel, 
    Leigh Aikey, Jenn Gardner, Kerri Kubalak, Tiara Magargle, Ann Miller, Katherine Vastine, & Mallory Weymer
    Not pictured is Jenn Gardner.

    Members of the Cares and Business Office Teams:
    Rising through Equity and Innovative Work Award; Nominated by Ellen Withrow

    Why Bernadette, Leigh, Jenn, Kerri, Tiara, Ann, Katherine and Mallory were nominated: 
    Fraught with challenges, this team worked strongly with external partners to create a highly competitive and innovative application to the US Department of Health & Services' Community Health Worker and Health Support Worker Training Program which is aimed at increasing health equity.