• Excellence in Special Education

  • Partnering with districts to meet the needs of their students

    The CSIU is a service provider that delivers special education programs and services at the request of the 17 districts in the CSIU's five-county region.

    Whether they are in a district's classroom or a center, the programs are created after careful thought and planning annually by numerous CSIU and district stakeholders.

    Students' needs are considered every year during the annual individualized education program (IEP) meetings and placements are determined according to the goals of the plan document.

    Determining placement and services

    When districts contract with the CSIU to provide special education
    programs and services for their students, they may be placed in one of the following environments:

    • Children attend their community school, and special education services (like vision support) are provided by CSIU staff and incorporated into their regular school day;
    • Children attend their community school in a special education classroom and are educated and supported by CSIU staff, and may include students from neighboring districts with similar needs;
    • Children attend a special education classroom in a neighboring district and are educated and supported by CSIU staff, and may be joined by students from other neighboring districts; or
    • Children attend a specialized, center-based program that is not located in a school district building, and are educated and supported by CSIU staff.

    Learn more about the programs and services administered by the CSIU by choosing from the menu on the left.

    Following is the Annual Notice of Special Education Services and Programs, which outlines information for parents regarding special education and includes district contact information.  

For Information

  • Special Education is a Federal and State mandated educational program which includes related services for children with disabilities.

    The CSIU provides a variety of high-quality instructional programs and support services that assist local school districts in fulfilling their obligation to meet the mandate of providing a Free Appropriate Public Education in the Least Restrictive Environment for students with disabilities.

    A staff of specialists works with students, parents and school district personnel to assure the appropriate development of each learner.

2024-25 Annual Public Notice

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