Career Information and Recruitment
A school entity shall offer representatives of skilled trades, publicly identified priority occupations, area career and technical schools, community colleges operating under Article XIX-A and institutions of higher education the opportunity to participate in the following:(1) Delivery of information regarding employment, employment training or education opportunities to students enrolled in the school entity.
(2) Recruitment of students enrolled in the school entity.A school entity must post the plan on the school entity’s publicly accessible Internet website.
24 P.S. §1-128Threat Assessment Teams
A school entity shall establish at least one team as provided under subsection (b) for the assessment of and intervention with students whose behavior may indicate a threat to the safety of the student, other students, school employees, school facilities, the community or others. The chief school administrator or a designee, after consultation with the school entity’s safety and security coordinator, shall….(iv) Annually ensure that students, school employees and parents and guardians are informed of the existence and purpose of the team. The information under this subparagraph shall be posted on the school entity’s publicly accessible Internet website.
24 Pa. C.S. §13-1302-E (1),(2)(iv)Bullying Policy
No later than January 1, 2009, each school entity shall adopt a policy or amend its existing policy relating to bullying and incorporate the policy into the school entity's code of student conduct required under 22 Pa. Code § 12.3(c) (relating to school rules). The policy shall delineate disciplinary consequences for bullying and may provide for prevention, intervention and education programs, provided that no school entity shall be required to establish a new policy under this section if one currently exists and reasonably fulfills the requirements of this section. The policy shall identify the appropriate school staff person to receive reports of incidents of alleged bullying.Each school entity shall make the policy available on its publicly accessible Internet website, if available, and in every classroom. Each school entity shall post the policy at a prominent location within each school building where such notices are usually posted. Each school entity shall ensure that the policy and procedures for reporting bullying incidents are reviewed with students within ninety (90) days after their adoption and thereafter at least once each school year.
24 Pa. C.S. § 13-1303.1-A(^)Policy re: Asthma Inhalers and Epinephrine Injectors
Each school entity shall develop a written policy to allow for the possession and self-administration by children of school age of asthma inhalers and epinephrine auto-injectors, and the prescribed medication to be administered thereby, in a school setting. The policy shall comply with section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Public Law 93-112, 29 U.S.C. § 794 ) and 22 Pa. Code § 15 (relating to protected handicapped students). The policy shall be distributed with the code of student conduct required under 22 Pa. Code § 12.3(c)(relating to school rules) and made available on the school entity's publicly accessible Internet website.
24 Pa. C.S. § 14-1414.1(*)School Entities – Online Course Offered
A school entity that offers online courses to students shall establish policies and procedures for student eligibility and participation, including a policy on the selection of online courses made available to students by the school entity. The policies and procedures shall be made accessible to parents and students and posted on the school entity’s publicly accessible Internet website.
24 P.S. §15-1503-LRequirements for Hybrid Learning
School entities offering hybrid learning shall develop policies related to the following and post such policies on the school entity’s publicly accessible Internet website:(i) Grading rubrics.
(ii) Course credit.
(iii) Student promotion and graduation.
(iv) Eligibility requirements for student participation in hybrid learning.
24 P.S.§15-1506-IPostings for Driver's Education Teachers (when applicable)
[A] person who possesses the qualifications of a teacher or a director under section 4(2) of the Act of January 18, 1952 (1951 P.L. 2128, No. 605), referred to as the Private Driver Education or Training School Act, shall not be required to meet the certification requirements under Article XII in order to be permitted to provide classroom instruction under this section, provided that the employing school district has posted the vacant position for a minimum of ten (10) days on the school entity's publicly available Internet website and no qualified candidate certified by the Department of Education to teach driver and safety education is available to fill the position.
24 Pa. C.S. § 15-1519(*)Youth Suicide Awareness and Prevention
Beginning with the 2015-2016 school year, each school entity shall adopt an age-appropriate youth suicide awareness and prevention policy consistent with subsection (c), inform each school entity employee and the parent or legal guardian of each student enrolled in the school entity of such policy and post such policy on the school entity’s publicly accessible Internet website.
24 Pa. C.S. §15-1526 (a)(1)State Disclosure re: Title IX Athletic Opportunities
A school entity shall annually submit information to the department regarding interscholastic athletic opportunity and treatment for male and female secondary school students for the preceding school year.No later than November 1 of each year, a school entity shall make a copy of the completed disclosure form available for public inspection during regular business hours, including on any publicly accessible Internet website of the school entity.
24 Pa. C.S. § 16-1603-C (*)Title IX Mandatory Disclosures
(1) Notification of policy. Each recipient must notify persons entitled to a notification under paragraph (a) of this section that the recipient does not discriminate on the basis of sex in the education program or activity that it operates, and that it is required by title IX and this part not to discriminate in such a manner. Such notification must state that the requirement not to discriminate in the education program or activity extends to admission (unless subpart C of this part does not apply) and employment, and that inquiries about the application of title IX and this part to such recipient may be referred to the recipient’s Title IX Coordinator, to the Assistant Secretary, or both.
(2) Publications.(i) Each recipient must prominently display the contact information required to be listed for the Title IX Coordinator under paragraph (a) of this section and the policy described in paragraph (b)(1) of this section on its website, if any, and in each handbook or catalog that it makes available to persons entitled to a notification under paragraph (a) of this section.
(ii) A recipient must not use or distribute a publication stating that the recipient treats applicants, students, or employees differently on the basis of sex except as such treatment is permitted by title IX or this part.
34 CFR Sec. 106.8(b)
(10) Recordkeeping
(i)(D) All materials used to train Title IX Coordinators, investigators, decision-makers, and any person who facilitates an informal resolution process. A recipient must make these training materials publicly available on its website, or if the recipient does not maintain a website the recipient must make these materials available upon request for inspection by members of the public.
34 C.F.R. § 106.45Qualifications of Paraprofessionals (Title I)
Each LEA that receives funds under this subpart must make widely available through public means (including by posting in a clear and easily accessible manner on the LEA’s website and, where practicable, on the website of each school served by the LEA) for each grade served by the LEA, information on each assessment required by the State to comply with section 1111 of the ESEA, other assessments required by the State, and, where such information is available and feasible to report, assessments required districtwide by the LEA, consistent with section 1112(e)(2)(B)-(C) of the ESEA.
34 C.F.R. §200.61 (*)Special Education Procedural Safeguards (not mandatory but suggested)
A public agency may place a current copy of the procedural safeguards notice on its Internet Website if a website exists.
34 C.F.R. § 300.504 (*)Non-Discrimination Notice (Chapter 15)
On or before the first day of a school year, a school district shall inform parents of enrolled students that the district does not discriminate against protected handicapped students and the district's responsibilities under this chapter. The notice may be included in a document reasonably expected to reach the parents of students enrolled in the school district, such as school calendars or brochures.
22 Pa. Code § 15.4 (*)Open Records Information
The following information shall be posted at each agency and, if the agency maintains an Internet website, on the agency's Internet website:
(1) Contact information for the open-records officer.
(2) Contact information for the Office of Open Records or other applicable appeals officer.
(3) A form which may be used to file a request.
(4) Regulations, policies and procedures of the agency relating to this act.
65 P.S. § 67.504Notice of Policy of Audio Recording on Buses
It shall not be unlawful and no prior court approval shall be required under this chapter for
(18) A person to intercept oral communications for disciplinary or security purposes on a school bus or school vehicle, as those terms are defined in 75 Pa.C.S. § 102 (relating to definitions), if all of the following conditions are met:1.The school board has adopted a policy that authorizes audio interception on school buses or school vehicles for disciplinary or security purposes.
2. Each school year, the school board includes the policy in a student handbook and in any other publication of the school entity that sets forth the comprehensive rules, procedures and standards of conduct for the school entity.
3. The school board posts a notice that students may be audiotaped, which notice is clearly visible on each school bus or school vehicle that is furnished with audio-recording equipment.
4. The school entity posts a notice of the policy on the school entity's publicly accessible Internet website.
Pa.C.S. § 5704(18) (*)