Coronavirus Resources, Health and Safety Plan, and Relief Funding
We are closely monitoring the COVID-19 pandemic in Pennsylvania and throughout the United States. A list of resources including latest reports, recommendations, ESSERS Funding and resources is provided below.
This website will be updated as resources become available.
Below, please find the most recent version of the Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit Health and Safety Plan. This plan will be reviewed for approval at the August 17 Board of Directors Meeting and every six months, thereafter.
CSIU ARP ESSER Health and Safety Plan
The American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (“ARP ESSER”) Fund requires that each LEA that receives ARP ESSER funds must develop and make publicly available on the LEA’s website, a plan for the LEA’s use of ARP ESSER funds. These requirements are intended to promote accountability, transparency, and the effective use of funds. Below, please find how the Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit was approved to use funding:
Continuity of Services |
CSIU will provide in-person instruction to the greatest extent possible; provide one-to-one electronic devices and use a learning management system so instruction is seamless; eliminate or minimize disruption in digital communications and transactions by increasing cyber security; inform educators on the social emotional needs of both in-person and virtual environments; conduct physical & behavioral health assessments in districts. |
Access to Instruction |
Increase teacher and administrator access to high quality online professional development via the use of Zoom Pods and Zoom Rooms, including instruction on how to effectively conduct online and hybrid instruction and addressing the social emotional needs of students. |
Mitigation Strategies |
Follow the most up-to-date guidance from CDC and the PA DOH. Increase physical well-being through air purifiers and replacing bathroom faucets in the Main Building with touchless faucets. |
Facilities Improvement |
Upgrade HVAC systems at the main office and LPN Career Center with energy recovery ventilation systems to improve air quality and flow and reduce the risk of virus transmission; replace the LPN Career Center roof to improve the building envelope and provide a healthier environment for future health care workers. |
Staff Recruitment, Support, & Retention |
Ensure access to the Employee Assistance Program & its mental health services; improve air quality through replacement of the HVAC systems with energy recovery ventilators (ERVs) at the main office and the LPN Career Center; provide air purifiers at the Center for Schools & Communities located in Camp Hill, PA; ensure cyber security to prevent onsite and offsite breaches. |
PDE: Resources dor School Communities During COVID-19
Tips for Parents on Helping Students Return to School During COVID
Tips for Educators as Schools Open During COVID
If you test positive for COVID-19, please share your test results (or a photo of a home test) with Julie Witmer ( in Human Resources.